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Coexisting with VPNs

In many ways, Codezero works like a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Unlike a VPN however, Codezero only handles traffic related to services in a Teamspace. If you wish to operate a VPN while using Codezero, this guide will walk you through ensuring both coexist without interfering with each other.

In a VPN setup, the integration of a Domain Name System (DNS) is not strictly necessary but is commonly implemented to enhance functionality and user experience. Codezero needs to be able to create Virtual Interfaces for services running in the Teamspace and maintain entries in the /etc/hosts for these interfaces.

If your VPN comes with a DNS, and most do for privacy reasons, you many not have to do anything as Codezero modifies the /etc/hosts file. This guide is here so administrators can ensure Codezero is not interfering with the VPN and that the VPN is in-turn not interfering with Codezero.

Codezero adds DNS entries to the /etc/hosts file that is part of most Linux implementations. On Windows, Codezero modifies the appropriate Windows hosts file which in turn, propagates entries for the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

If you look at your /etc/hosts/ file, you will see entries between the following markers

# This section is managed by Codezero. Do not edit manually.

Modifying the markers or the content between the markers could make Codezero malfunction.